Friday 23 September 2022

Increasing height without using medicine

Natural remedies  for increasing your height after 18.To get rid of your short height follow these tips.
    ''nature has a great healing power๐ŸŒฟ''
1)Eat a balanced diet.During your growing years,it's crucial that you 
      get all of the nutrients your body need.
2)Chicken,almonds,leafy greens,yogurt,sweet potatoes,eggs and milk
       all this diet makes you taller.
3)Practice a good posture.
4)Get a right amount of sleep.
5)Beans and chicken are a good source of protein. Protein  is good for        your height growth.
6)Banana helps in boosting height in various ways.It also neutralizes            the harmful impact of sodium on bones and helps retain the                        concentration of calcium in bones.
7) Sunlight is the most significant determinant of height.
8)Yoga helps to maximize your height.
9)Stay active.
10)Eat well,exercise regularly and take plenty of rest is the best way to  stay healthy and help your body reach its natural potential.There is no  magic pill for increasing height. In fact, your genes are the major determinant of how tall you'll be.

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